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Showing posts from August, 2016


8/24/16 YOU'VE all heard by now about the e-mails that frau Clinton, the former sec of state, had deleted in defiance of congress some 2.5 yrs ago....WELL, the FBI has "recovered" 15,000 more of those deleted e-mails, many of which detail "donations" from foreign as well as domestic "donors" to the Clinton foundation, a so-called charity org. whose coffers hold close to a billion donor in particular is a crown prince of Saudi arabia who "gave" the Clinton foundation 32,000,000 dollars while she was sec of, a smart guy like me (or you) won't believe that the prince isn't expecting something for his money....if Hillary was a republican, she'd be convicted and incarcerated by now.... 1 THESSALONIANS 5: 22                                      ABSTAIN FROM ALL APPEARANCE OF EVIL ...


8/23/16 HE-HE-HE.....that is what frau Hillary proclaimed last night on CNN....her statement defies the time tested and common sense truism that says "WHERE THERE IS SMOKE, THERE IS  FIRE"....she was responding to a question about the "PAY FOR PLAY" scandal that was revealed when the FBI "recovered" those 30,000 e-mails that she deleted 2.5 yrs ago in defiance of the republican led congress....SHE explained that out of the 10's of thousands of e-mails that she sent and or received, only a "small" number of them discussed "donations" to the Clinton foundation in exchange for "access" to the SECRATARY OF STATE of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.... SO, in essence, SHE is saying that there was just a little bit of corruption........                                       ...


YES, it was the DEMOCRAT PARTY.....the democrat party was the party of segregation, discrimination, racism and the KKK....the republican party, the party of Lincoln, fought a 5 yr war to free the black man from the bonds of slavery.... SO, how did the republican party become the party of racism? HOW could the party that gave its LIVES, BLOOD and TREASURE become that which they hated? AS a black man, I don't believe that the republican party is racist....I do think that they are weak and cowardly, but not racist....the democrat party are the experts at racism........Hillary has begun the tired old tactic of accusing trump (and republicans) of being a racist, a klansman and a white supremacist (skinhead)....are we black folks supposed to take her word?? I DON'T!!! WHY shouldn't black voters give trump a chance???                           ...


LAST night, the female cousin of NBA star, Dwayne wade, was shot and killed on a Chicago street as she pushed her child in a stroller...several men (black) were shooting at each other for GOD knows what reason and she got hit....last weekend, there were over 60 shootings in Chicago, a dozen or so in bklyn, queens, the Bronx and Newark....yet the media and the democrat party keeps telling me what a bunch of racists trump and the republican party are.... Trump and the republicans aren't shooting each other like animals on the streets of their neighborhoods....the cops keep finding the bodies of women in parks and dumpsters...assaults, shootings and robberies are going on daily, BUT TRUMP IS A RACIST!!                                            C'MON, WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!  ...


WHY are some black people rioting, looting and burning their neighborhoods in cities across America? why are they waging war against police?? why are some calling for violence against white people??? WELL, they've been told that they are victims of an oppressive white society....they've been told that they are entitled to fail, to misbehave....entitled to never ending handouts because of slavery, racism, discrimination and injustice.... AS a boy my parents taught me that the only things that I am entitled to are the things that I earn....everything else is a gift, and one should be grateful for the gifts....AND DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU !! NOW in regards to the shooting of "unarmed back men"; it is regrettable that some mistakes are made, but I put the major weight of blame on the black thugs and criminals who constantly commit crimes, mostly against other black people....the actions of these black offenders create suspicion and fear of all black men ...


that is what frau Clinton keeps saying about Donald is absurd of course; trump is facing the wrath of: 1) the mainstream media 2) the cable networks 3) the press 4) the democrat party 5) the republican party establishment 6) and academia.....did I leave anybody out??? I would say that mr trump has a pretty thick skin and that his "temperament" is very calm and stable. I don't believe that Hillary or any democrat politician (or many republicans) can or could take what trump is enduring....he-he-he, they keep calling trump a bully, but it looks to me that they are the bullies...                                                                 ...


this past week a beautiful young 30 yr old woman named korinna vetrano was brutally beaten, raped and strangled to death in a field near her home by some human animal. she was jogging along a path which had 8 ft tall weeds on either side. the cops say that her attacker had knocked out her front teeth during his assault on her...she had fought with all her strength to no she is dead and the protesters of cops are where to be found..... all those who claim or accuse the police of brutality need to open their eyes and face reality....the human race is full of sick, depraved and violent people and law enforcement is a thin line of defense against those monsters. the cop haters have nothing to say when criminals commit their a woman is murdered in the prime of her life by some human debris and where is the black lives matter crowd???                 ...