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Showing posts from September, 2016


9/27/16 1) LET JESUS INTO OUR HEARTS.... 2) STOP committing crimes black man... 3) STOP disrespecting law enforcement authority... 4) STOP blaming America for slavery...LET IT GO!! 5) LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!! (stop killing each other like animals while accusing America of racism)                                                                              RONALD J LAMB


9/27/16 WPIX 11, aired a story this morning about a young black mother whose daughter was beaten up on an MTA bus....cell phone video showed three black teens beating a black girl while passengers sat by. the mother wanted to know why the bus driver didn't intervene....WELL, over the past five yrs or so, city bus drivers, male and female, have been BEATEN, STABBED or SHOT by passengers.....mostly black.... THE woman rides the bus everyday now to protect her child FROM OTHER BLACK KIDS....she wants the MTA to do what?? hiring security for every bus?? not likely...SHOULD BLACK PARENTS TRAIN THEIR CHILDREN BETTER?? of course...but will it happen?? not likely...                                                   ...


9/27/16 CBS 2 AIRED VIDEO of a large black man attacking a white man in a Bronx deli....the VICTIM was slashed several times on his hands and forearm...A BLACK MAN attempting to kill a white man is a HATE crime right? no?? IF the white man had attacked the black man, civil rights lawyers would be tripping over themselves to make money off this crime.....                                                                                  RONALD J LAMB


1) their lives are precious too.... 2) THEY ARE THE THIN BLUE LINE THAT DEFENDS SOCIETY FROM CRIMINALITY AND CHAOS.... 3) they are not priests, psychologists or social workers....their job, their FUNCTION, is to keep LAW AND ORDER... 4) the job isn't always glamorous...the job is dangerous and thankless, but THEY DO IT ANYWAY!! 5) they are men and women, husbands and fathers, wives and mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors and friends... 6) they are only human...every one of them. 7) they can make mistakes just like ANY other member of society.... SO, when we criticize the police, just remember that they are the BEST of us, despite their human frailties....just remember why WE NEED THEM....                                            ...


9/14/16 TODAYS morning news showed me the video of a car deliberately running into three phoenix police officers who were standing front of a patrol car....THANK GOD the police officers were not seriously hurt (one broken leg), but after the crash the injured cops had to fight to subdue this crazy looking black guy who's been arrested 15 times before!! NOW TELL ME, HOW IS A POLICE OFFICER SUPPOSED TO VIEW BLACK MEN?? with suspicion and fear or with REPECT???                                                                               RONALD J LAMB 


THE CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS is a group of 100 black men and women created and funded by the democrat 30 yrs I've never heard the cbc say ANYTHING positive or uplifting about America or any republican president or republican, white or black. the cbc has never criticized the performance of the democrat party or the NEGATIVE results of their policies...the cbc has never criticized the riots, burning and looting by blacks of their own towns and neighborhoods. the cbc has never criticized or condemned the criminal behavior of blacks or their disrespect of law enforcement...the cbc has never criticized or condemned the black on black violence and murders that occur DAILY. WHAT  purpose does the cbc serve?? I submit that the cbc is used as a constant slap in the face of the political party that freed the black man from is their mission to denigrate, smear, condemn and impugn that party's motives, beliefs and actions  at every opport...


SO, somebody leaves a bomb at 23rd & 6th in Chelsea and another one at 27th & 6th, one bomb goes off injuring 29 people, the police disarm the 2nd...did de blasio change the definition of terrorism? is it terrorism only if somebody is killed? do we have to get a "note' from the terrorist?? LOOK mr mayor, I don't care about your approval ratings...if you and your administration can't protect the citizens, at least allow them to protect themselves with the truth...WE all know what it is you DOOFUS!!!                                                                            RONALD J LAMB


9/15/16 YESTERDAY, 2 young women of color, 15 and 16 yrs of age were beaten and stabbed to death in broad daylight, a block from their homes in BRENTWOOD L.I., the good neighborhood...the police think that it's gang related...BUT, where is the BLACK LIVES MATTER crowd??? where are the black leaders demanding justice??? i'm positive that those young women's civil rights were violated, where is Loretta lynch and her justice department??? oh, right, the cops had nothing to do with the death of those minorities....could this be a hate crime??? (if it is blk on blk, then no) THE COP HATERS SHOULD BE PROUD...when you protest cops, you get more crime, murder and mayhem......                                                     ...


JUMAANE WILLIAMS, democrat n.y.c. city council member, a "SHINING" example of black leadership, has proudly defended his refusal to stand during the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the council if doesn't pledge allegiance to the U.S., then what country does he swear allegiance too?? he also announced his solidarity with the those who are protesting the national anthem....WITH all of the cities problems; CRIME, POVERTY, HOMELESSNESS, HUNGER, THE CONSTANT THREAT OF TERROR ATTACKS, THE DRUG EPIDEMIC OF HEROIN, COCAINE AND MARIJUANA, UNEMPOYMENT AND POLITICAL CORRUPTION, mr Williams "thinks" that as an elected official, a PUBLIC SERVANT, it is important for him to DISS the country that nourishes him and his family, that has given him STATUS in this society, that respects his right to say whatever STUPID thing that crosses his mind.... WHAT A JACKASS!!!                ...


CBS NEWS(880am) played some audio of grandma Hillary at a rally last night. she told the audience that trump is a racist because he questioned obamas citizenship and that he is unfit to be president... WELL, first of all, the U.S. constitution REQUIRES that ANY person seeking the office of president, be a U.S. CITIZEN. the democrat party questioned john Mc Cain's citizenship when he ran in 2004... SO, it is not RACIST to question a black mans citizenship if he's running for that office...2nd, and more important, it was the CLINTON CAMPAIGN  that started the rumor that Obama wasn't a U.S. citizen...when asked, Hillary said; "if Obama says so, then he must be"....not exactly a vote of confidence...THE CLINTONS started the "BIRTHER" MOVEMENT and TRUMP JUMPED IN WHEN OBAMA REFUSED TO PRODUCE "A" BIRTH CERTIFICATE...and I was shocked, then pleased when the reporter told the WHOLE you see folks, HILLARY IS A LIAR and THE TRUTH AIN'T...


8/28/16 COLIN KAEPERNICK, the bi-racial QB of the SF 49rs, refused to stand during the singing of the national anthem at a pre-season game...he was quoted as  saying; "I CAN'T RESPECT THE ANTHEM OF A COUNTRY THAT OPPRESSES BLACK PEOPLE"....WHAT?!! HAS this country oppressed barak Obama the past 7 yrs? HAS this country oppressed the many millions of black people who are on welfare, food stamps, medicare/aid, s.s. disability, section aid housing or those receiving tax payer funded public school and college educations??? DUDE, YOU GOTTA QUIT SMOKIN THAT STUFF!!! MR kaepernick,  black people (or any people), who commit crimes or illegal acts SHOULD be OPPRESSED.....BLACK THUGS AND CAREER CRIMINALS SHOULD BE OPPRESSED FOR THE GOOD OF SOCIETY....and that goes for an offender of ANY RACE, COLOR OR RELIGION. DUDE, if you think that this country is sooo rotten, then you can get on a plane and go ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD YOU WANNA GO!!!! STOP POLLUTING THE ATMOSPHERE...


8/29/16 FRIDAY afternoon, the life of a black mother of four was taken by two brothers, men of color, who are gangbangers out on parole....THIS was the murder of  basketball "star" Dwayne wades cousin in Chicago, where the shootings and killings of black citizens is at epidemic levels....both the perps and the victims are black 95% of the time.... WHERE ARE THE BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTERS?? DON'T THESE BLACK LIVES MATTER??                                                                        RONALD J LAMB


8/30/16 YOU ever notice that when a republican politician messes up, does wrong or commits a crime, the democrat party and the media accuses, criticizes and condemns not only that individual, but the entire republican party?....BUT when a democrat politician messes up, does wrong or commits a crime, we are asked for "understanding", compassion, forgiveness....we are asked to give that individual "privacy"....and the party is never, ever blamed.....                                                                                        RONALD J LAMB 


9/2/16 LAST night, 49rs QB, kaepernick was joined by a teammate in his disrespect of the national anthem. SURE, it's free speech, but his/their justification is flawed....he says blacks are oppressed, another player, of the seattle seahawks, explained that he is protesting rogue cops...WELL, that's just a "cop out"....HE is asking me to  focus on a handful of bad cops while ignoring the 10's of thousands of thugs, punks, robbers, thieves, drug dealers, gang bangers, rapists and career criminals who roam our streets, committing crimes at their leisure EVERY DAY!! THIS fb player is asking me to ignore the many victims of crimes, their pain, their suffering, their loss...WHY? so that criminals of  color can be treated with dignity and respect.........                                      ...


9/2/16 THE other day frau Hillary was bragging about her "VAST" experience in international relationships in response to Donald trumps Mexico visit....she called the trip "amateur hour". O.K., lets look at her international work....DURING the "arab spring", Egypt fell into the hands of the muslim brotherhood (with obamas help), the parent org. of al queda....the military threw out obamas puppet, morsi.....the U.S. backed overthrow of khadafi plunged Libya into chaos, rival gangs of terrorists fighting for dominance....the premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq opened the door for ISIS, plunging iraq into chaos, losing half the ground U.S. troops had fought for and died to gain...combined with the 5 yr war in Syria, which Obama can't seem to win or end, millions of refugees are flooding into and across Europe....Christians and muslims  alike, tortured and murdered, women and girls kidnapped, sold and used as sex slaves by ISIS AND BOKO HARAM, b...


A 22 yr old ST JOHNS UNIVERSITY student was killed when she told a man in the J'OUVERT crowd to stop rubbing his groin against her backside....the man was so offended that he shot her.... DOES THIS BLACK LIFE MATTER? WILL THERE BE MARCHES AND PROTESTS AGAINST THE BLACK ANIMAL THAT TOOK HER LIFE?? WILL AL SHARPTON SHOW UP AND SUE SOMEBODY???                                                                               RONALD J LAMB


WHO'S got the thin skin now? Obama let loose on Donald trump in a tirade in response to his remarks made last night regarding Obama's and frau Hillary's leadership over these past 7 yrs....SO, Obama is on foreign soil, supposedly representing the best of America, and he attacks a fellow citizen.....and he's done this before, trashing his own country in front of the world....IT IS LOW CLASS, IT IS GHETTO, IT IS PATHETIC....what are our enemies thinking when they see the POTUS openly turn on and attack his own people?? HE IS JUST PITIFUL!!!!                                                                          ...


WHEN WE, the people, move away from GODLY principles, we then appoint ungodly people into authority over us.....and when these ungodly people push us around, when they abuse their power, we scream and holler like stuck pigs.... THE PEOPLE GET THE GOVERNMENT THAT THEY DESERVE!!!                                                                              RONALD J LAMB


THE media has gleefully reported that 49rs QB kaepernicks fb jersey is now selling at $100 a pop... and now a gay soccer player says that she's on board the protest "train" now....the media is predicting massive support....O.K., they say  that the oppression of black people and the killing of black men by police is their cause of insurgency....the soccer player says that she has been discriminated against...but before we blacks pick up our guns and attack cops and white people, LETS LOOK AT THE FACTS: BLACK PEOPLE KILL MORE BLACK PEOPLE THAN DO COPS OF ANY COLOR....just read a newspaper, watch a nightly newscast in the "hood"....there is also the crime, the drug dealers and drug use...the broken, fatherless homes, the high unemployment rates of black folks, then lets look at THE BLACK MEN BEING KILLED BY POLICE...90% of them are career criminals, arrested a dozen times or more, ex-cons out on parole.... I won't defend this illegal and anti-social behavio...