WPIX 11, aired a story this morning about a young black mother whose daughter was beaten up on an MTA bus....cell phone video showed three black teens beating a black girl while passengers sat by. the mother wanted to know why the bus driver didn't intervene....WELL, over the past five yrs or so, city bus drivers, male and female, have been BEATEN, STABBED or SHOT by passengers.....mostly black....
THE woman rides the bus everyday now to protect her child FROM OTHER BLACK KIDS....she wants the MTA to do something...like what?? hiring security for every bus?? not likely...SHOULD BLACK PARENTS TRAIN THEIR CHILDREN BETTER?? of course...but will it happen??
not likely...
WPIX 11, aired a story this morning about a young black mother whose daughter was beaten up on an MTA bus....cell phone video showed three black teens beating a black girl while passengers sat by. the mother wanted to know why the bus driver didn't intervene....WELL, over the past five yrs or so, city bus drivers, male and female, have been BEATEN, STABBED or SHOT by passengers.....mostly black....
THE woman rides the bus everyday now to protect her child FROM OTHER BLACK KIDS....she wants the MTA to do something...like what?? hiring security for every bus?? not likely...SHOULD BLACK PARENTS TRAIN THEIR CHILDREN BETTER?? of course...but will it happen??
not likely...
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