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Showing posts from October, 2016


I DON'T KNOW....she hasn't given me any reason EXCEPT that she hates trump and that she's A WOMAN...WELL, that's just not good enough!!! I am not against having a woman for president, I am against HER!!! SHE CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO FIGHT FOR AND DEFEND THE VALUES THAT I BELIEVE IN....SHE IS FOR SALE TO ANYONE WITH ENOUGH MONEY, AND SHE IS A LYING THIEF....SHE AND HER HUSBAND!!! EVERYDAY, we are bombarded with vicious attacks on trumps character...BUT what about his ideas?? I think/believe that it is a good idea to cut taxes on businesses (that employ people) and on the working stiffs who pay the governments bills...TO rebuild the military...TO halt immigration from ANYWHERE until we stop terrorism...TO build a wall on the southern border with a HUGE locked door in it....and to deport as many illegals as possible...AMERICA 1st!!! ALSO, WE need to UNLEASH law enforcement on ALL the thugs, punks, career criminals and suspected terrorists, WHATEVER THEIR RACE, COLOR OR RELI...


10/24/16 THE media reports that Hillary is pulling away from trump in the polls...that she's up by 12 points... BUT, the people who take the polls (democrat) sample more democrat voters than republican voters, thereby getting more support for other words, the poll(s) is a PHONY, the media reports this phony poll ALL DAY LONG, intending to depress trump supporters and energize Hillary is all a pathetic mind game played on the public in EVERY election...WHY shouldn't I believe that elections are rigged for democrat party candidates?? I have the ability AND the right to think for myself, and I won't ALLOW the  democrats and the media to play me anymore!!!!                                              ...


(you can keep your doctor) WE all knew it was a lie when he said it...WELL, some of us did....IF you like your health plan, ditto...THAT was a lie too...OVER 20 million people lost their health plans and millions went from full time employment to part time employment because their employers needed to avoid the obcare mandate...OBAMA said that health insurance premiums would go down 2,500 dollars a yr...WELL, you know by now that obcare plan premiums are going UP by at least 25% in 2017...YEP, Obama lied about that also...BUT Obama says that can be fixed by increasing the subsidies...THAT means you taxpayers are going to pay more for somebody else's health insurance...AS WELL AS YOUR OWN!!!   BOY, WHAT A CONMAN!!!!!!!!!!!                                         ...


10/17/16 TODAY is the 100th anniversary of Americas war on the unborn...n.y.c. council member, Marissa mark viverito proudly stated that NO ONE WILL SHAME THEM FROM CONTINUING THIS GENOCIDE, that they will FIGHT FOR ANOTHER 100 YEARS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH RIGHTS...(by killing the life in your wombs??)  democrat senator chuck "the schmuck" schumer chimed in to say that if the senate returns to democrat control in November, he/they will make sure that p.p. is PERMANENTLY FUNDED. (with your tax dollars) THESE are the people who have concern, who have compassion for cats, dogs, birds, fish and trees. they care about the environment, the air, the oceans, clean energy...they have compassion for convicted murderers, career criminals and cop killers...they even have compassion for Americas enemies, isis, al queda, radical islamists....BUT not one ounce of love and compassion for the unborn human babies that they kill a million per year...55 million so far!!! LOOK IT, for 2 wee...


10/18/16 OBAMA held a presser today, and after he called the F.B.I. liars (in response to a question), because they released a 100 page document proving that Hillary had trafficked in classified info AND that he knew about it, he ridiculed trump for saying that the election is response to another question, Obama said that trump should stop whining...OH REALLY??? I REMEMBER  that back in 2008, Obama sent out his black surrogates to all the liberal talk shows a week before the election and they PROMISED that if Obama wasn't elected there would be riots in the streets....Obama used the race card to neuter the republicans in congress...ANY criticism or opposition to Obama, his media and the democrat party would WHINE that they oppose Obama just 'cause he's black...on election day in Philadelphia '08, a bunch of black panthers showed up at a polling place and intimidated white voters...when this case was brought to trial, the 1st black A.G., eric holder di...


10/19/16 DONALD TRUMPS critics assert that there is no evidence of voter fraud to back up his claims.... WELL, of course there is evidence of voter fraud...I wasn't born yesterday!! I submit that the MAIN evidence is human nature...LOOK how our society is plagued with crime, violence, infidelity and corruption in high places...LOOK how easy it would be for democrat poll workers to fill out ballots in dead peoples names and cast them in the names of democrat candidates.. JAMES O'KEEFE, the man who broke the story about planned parenthood selling aborted baby parts for cash money, has another breaking story concerning ELECTION the piece, O'KEEFE records democrat operatives admitting to transporting illegals and homeless people across state lines to vote in republican governors states who are timid and gutless...AND we already know that democrats go to the "hood" on election day, "give" them cash money, and bus them to the polls...WOULD thos...


10/22/16 A WEEK after a trump campaign office was FIRE BOMBED in N.C. and another one vandalized with bricks and stones, the Hillary campaign has claimed to have found an envelope containing a suspicious white powder at her n.y.  campaign office...of course the powder was found to be harmless...BUT I don't believe the claim for a second...AFTER the faux pas of fire bombing a trump campaign office, which generated much sympathy for him, and that weak and phony condemnation from Hillary, the democrat campaign needed to generate some sympathy for themselves via this phony envelope story... REMEMBER, when democrats can't win the argument, they resort to violence to intimidate their opponent(s) into silence or quitting...A Romney campaign office was fire bombed and one of his campaign bus tires were slashed when he was running for president... REMEMBER the violent protesters that showed up at the trump rallies.??...the democrat party talks of freedom, justice, fair p...


10/22/16 I WAS listening briefly to 1190 am, a supposed Christian radio station which airs gospel music and programming of the black persuasion...I heard a man speaking about recent police involved incidents. he said that officer pantaleo choked eric garner to death...THAT is not true. THE officer used a "controversial" choke hold to subdue garner (300lbs) after he resisted arrest. garner died of a heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital...the speaker did not mention garners extensive arrest record... THE speaker then talked about the "injustice" of black men who can't afford to pay the relatively small amount of bail which causes them to be locked up for an extended period of time...DUDE, here's a thought, DON'T COMMIT CRIMES, DON'T GET ARRESTED!!! THE speaker voiced  the N.A.N.'s (national action network) plans  to present their demands to the new police commissioner on actions that they want taken...there was no talk of ...


REMEMBER all of those protestors who showed up in trump rallies and disrupted the peaceful assembly of American citizens, and those outside carrying anti-trump signs, yelling profane words and attacking trump supporters? REMEMBER how the media portrayed trump and his supporters?? AS  violent, hateful and ant-American?? WELL, it has come to light that all of it was manufactured, financed and orchestrated by the democrat party and the Hillary campaign...JAMES O'KEEFE, the infamous undercover videographer captured top democrat party operatives bragging about their activities on video...MR TRUMP WAS AND IS RIGHT ABOUT THE SYSTEM BEING RIGGED....there were no protesters at Hillary's rallies...there were no daily news stories defaming Hillary or Bernie sanders... SEE, the democrat party won't allow us to think for ourselves, they don't want us to weigh the facts and come to our own conclusions...we are supposed to think and feel what they want us to think and feel...LIKE...


10/14/16 ACCORDING to cbs 2 (880 am) news, she was on the "ELLEN" show yesterday complaining that Donald trump intimidated her, that he was stalking her across the stage (a la rick Lazio) during the 2nd that why she lost the debate?? HILLARY'S campaign strategy of late has been to portray trump as a hater of women, an abuser of women, a victimizer of women...SO, are we supposed to vote for Hillary because she's a victim? if she is so easily intimidated by the MERE presence of Donald trump, then how can she be the leader of the free world?? how can she be the CIC of Americas armed forces?? HOW can she stand up to putin or isis???   WHAT if Hillary is lying? what if she's just pretending to be a victim to get the sympathy vote?? that's how she got elected n.y.'s senator and I fell for it...wouldn't that be an insult to us?? WHAT about all the women that SHE VICTIMIZED while defending her cheating husband?? she isn't fooling me (...


I wasn't there in the room with Donald trump...I wasn't there with him on the plane...I don't have a crystal ball so I don't know whether trump did those things or not...BUT there are some things that I do know for certain!!! 1) THAT THE MEDIA LIES... 2) that president Clinton lied about abusing those women and having sex with monica Lewinski in the white house...  3) THAT Hillary led the smear campaign against the women that accused bill... 4) that the democrat party and the media defended bill even after the truth came out... 5) that president bill Clinton was found guilty in a COURT OF LAW and had to pay an 850,000 judgement to one woman... 6) THAT with the release of those wiki leaks e-mails, the Clinton campaign is working hand in hand with the media to smear, destroy and defeat Donald trump... 7) THAT both Obama and Hillary lied about ben ghazi and the e-mail server and the Clinton foundation donors and the speeches she made to the b...


OBAMA hired Hillary as his secretary of state. she immediately installed a non government (private) server in the bathroom of her n.y. mansion....over the next 4 yrs she proceeded and continued to conduct state department business using that server without government oversight. REMEMBER, as secretary of state she is a servant of said government...SO, she did business with "persons" and government leaders, accepting large "donations" to the Clinton foundation in return for "favors". THE  release of "wiki leaks" e-mails revealed the pay for pay scandal in Haiti: the earthquake that devastated Haiti some yrs ago was the perfect opportunity for contracts to rebuild...the contractors would "donate" (bribe) to the Clinton foundation, and as secretary of state, Hillary would award the contracts and the funding to them, then the contractor(s) would spend as little as possible in the rebuilding effort and pocket the rest...THAT is why the peop...


10/8/16 I SAY NO!! the news media is all abuzz with hope and glee after an 11 yr old audio tape was "leaked" in which trump made some "adult" remarks about his "relations" with women....AND RIGHT ON QUE, the establishment republicans voiced their PHONY outrage...former n.y. governor Pataki said that he's "horrified"!!! GOVERNOR, you should be horrified at the numbers of young people that are dropping dead from bad heroin or the overdoses in n.y./li....YOU should be horrified at the numbers of cops being shot and killed across the country, YOU should be horrified at the systemic corruption of the law makers in Albany...what a jackass!!! HOUSE SPEAKER ryan said that he was "sickened" by trumps remarks...GIVE ME A BREAK!!! IN this wicked and immoral society what trump said was pretty tame...BESIDES, what man or woman over the age of 15 hasn't said something vulgar about the opposite sex?? WHY is it that only republican candidat...


10/8/16 A short while ago, cbs 2 (880 am) reported that "scores" of republican politicians have retracted their pledges to support the republican nominee, DONALD J TRUMP....they are a pathetic bunch of two-faced, backstabbing, gutless dogs!! THEY are so arrogant that they believe that they are in charge...they have forgotten that first line of the declaration of independence, WE THE PEOPLE!!! they've not understood that being in elected office means that they are our SERVANTS, that they must serve the will of the people, the people that pay the bills....THE people have chosen trump as their candidate and if they don't support him they will look like a bunch of fools...turning against their own nominee is giving the democrats enormous JOY... SNATCHING  DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY...........                             ...


10/9/16 FIRST, cbs 2 (880 am) aired audio from the old "has been" actor Robert de niro in which he called trump a boob and a stumblebum...and he said that he'd punch trump in the mouth. IF de niro is a republican, why is he angry at trump? he should be angry at the republican party...for the last 7.5 yrs the republican party has abdicated its responsibility, its duty to oppose the Obama policies that brought us this MESS!! hey bob, the republican party created trump!!! IF de niro is a democrat, then his threat of violence is par for the course... SECOND, the current governor of Alaska, LISA MURKOWSKI, said that mr trump has forfeited his right to be the nominee (because of some remarks he made 11 yrs ago)...WHAT??!! dear governor, you politicians don't get to decide who our nominee is...WE THE PEOPLE decide!!! perhaps that is why you PUBLIC SERVANTS are in such ill favor now...after 8 yrs of Obama and you gutless republicans, WE WANT CHANGE!!!!!      ...


10/10/16 IT HAPPENED IN PALM SRINGS, CALIFORNIA on 10/8/16. a man called 911 to report that his son was armed and said that he wanted to shoot cops....3 officers responded and were shot as they approached the front door.... 2 were killed, the 3rd wounded. THE shooter/murderer, then barricaded himself in the house for 12 hours while the police negotiated with him. the police finally fired tear gas into the house and the perp surrendered...SEE HOW CAREFULL THEY WERE TO SAVE HIS LIFE??? THE dead officers were GIL VEGA, father of 8, set to retire in less than 2 months...he served for 35 yrs....LESLEY ZEREBNY, 27 YRS OLD, MOTHER OF A 4 MONTH OLD CHILD, JUST RETURNED FROM MATERNITY LEAVE, WIFE OF A POLICE OFFICER...she served 18 the way, the perp was a black man...could this be considered a hate crime?? CAN WE SHOW SOME COMPASSION AND LOVE FOR OUR POLICE OFFICERS??               ...


THAT is frau Hillary's campaign slogan...and the statement is true...BUT the democrat party specializes in division. they derive and sustain their power by keeping the people divided on social, economic, racial, religious and moral issues.... 1) poor against the rich (TAX THE RICH!!) 2) BOTH OBAMA AND HILLARY HAVE SAID THAT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST AT HEART... 3) blacks protesting cops. 4) gay marriage jammed down Americans throats. 5) the "war" against women. 6) taxpayers and religious institutions forced to pay for abortions and contraceptives. 7) support and protection of illegal aliens (sanctuary cities) 8) importing 100's of thousands of Muslim's to dilute the Christian population.  9) government health care forced on citizens. 10) wage envy/income inequality. THERE are white, black, jewish, Italian, greek, irish, polish, Asian, muslim, gay, transgender and undocumented americans...all created and advertised by the democrat party of America......


9/26/16 1010 wins (am) reported that a 25 yr old was beaten and robbed of $350 dollars cash at the 59th street, Columbus circle subway station ("a" train) early yesterday morning. that subway station is one of the safest in the system, adjacent to central park....the victim says that one thug punched him in the jaw with brass knuckles, knocking him to the ground, then both thugs kicked and stomped him...I don't know if the 2 thugs were black, but i'll bet good money that they were!!! SO, if you're black (or any color) the odds of being beaten, robbed, shot and or killed by a black thug are 99% greater than being shot and or killed by a cop of any color..... PS., this is the only crime story that made the many scores of crimes are there that never make the headlines?? think about that the next time you protest cops............                       ...


9/30/16 THE race hustlers and media outlets love to use the phrase "an unarmed black man" in their news stories and press is as if they think that WE, the public, the POTENTIAL VICTIMS of crimes committed by black thugs, punks and career criminals (armed or unarmed) are STUPID!!! IF a black man has been arrested 5 or 10 times...or is an ex-con out on parole, he should know better than to resist arrest or refuse to obey a cops command.... THE media and the race hustling "community" portray the "unarmed black man" as the victim of cold blooded killers, cops roaming the streets seeking to execute some unsuspecting "unarmed black man"....and when the cops release the "unarmed  black mans" arrest record, listing the crimes that he's committed, revealing the people that the "unarmed black man has VICTIMIZED, they complain, accusing cops of smearing the thugs reputation....WHAT REPUTATION?? arrested for theft, bu...


10/2/16 GO AHEAD, RAISE YOUR HAND....somebody leaked (illegally) a copy of Donald trump's 1995 tax return to the N.Y. times, which detail a 918 million dollar business loss....which allowed him to defer paying taxes for these past 18 yrs....AS long as it is LEGAL, what's the problem?? IS it wrong or immoral to keep more of the money that you earn?? Hillary and the democrat politicians keep demanding that the "rich" pay more taxes....WELL, she/they mean YOU !! The politicians, the government workers, federal, state and city, the so-called "public servants" are living off the backs of the rich and middle class.....THEY are living MUCH better than you middle class non government working stiffs....ALL the governments are working 24/7 to find ways to tax you more while THEY live high on the hog on your dime.... IF Hillary is elected, your taxes are GUARANTEED to go up...HOW many more times will you fall for the "tax the rich" lie??? WHICH is worse,...


10/1/16 CBS 2 (880am) launched a 5 minute barrage of lies, half truths and insults against Donald trump this morning...THIS latest chapter involved a former beauty pageant winner who, after 20 yrs, decided to tell the voters what a rotten S.O.B. trump was/is...and when trump defends himself, his honor, his reputation and record, he is attacked, accused of being intemperate, childish and mean. THIS tactic of Hillary is SO high's just stupid!! is this the level of intelligence that we should accept from the 1st female president?? there are a thousand more qualified and decent women who are worthy of the office.... DONALD TRUMP is a successful businessman, a productive member of our society, the epitome  of the American dream...instead of telling us why we should vote for her, she's running a daily smear campaign against a good and decent man. HILLARY'S husband was/is a horn dog who got a bj from monica in the white house...'ol bill was accused by a dozen ...