TODAY is the 100th anniversary of Americas war on the unborn...n.y.c. council member, Marissa mark viverito proudly stated that NO ONE WILL SHAME THEM FROM CONTINUING THIS GENOCIDE, that they will FIGHT FOR ANOTHER 100 YEARS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH RIGHTS...(by killing the life in your wombs??) democrat senator chuck "the schmuck" schumer chimed in to say that if the senate returns to democrat control in November, he/they will make sure that p.p. is PERMANENTLY FUNDED. (with your tax dollars)
THESE are the people who have concern, who have compassion for cats, dogs, birds, fish and trees.
they care about the environment, the air, the oceans, clean energy...they have compassion for convicted murderers, career criminals and cop killers...they even have compassion for Americas enemies, isis, al queda, radical islamists....BUT not one ounce of love and compassion for the unborn human babies that they kill a million per year...55 million so far!!!
LOOK IT, for 2 weeks now the Hillary campaign, the democrats and the media have been accusing Donald trump of abusing women...WHAT DO YOU CALL ABORTION!!! 50% OR MORE OF THOSE ABORTED BABIES ARE FEMALE...FUTURE WOMEN!!! LORD, SAVE US FROM THESE FOOLS!!!
THESE people seek political power using the bodies of dead babies...they are MONSTERS, NOT HEROES..........
TODAY is the 100th anniversary of Americas war on the unborn...n.y.c. council member, Marissa mark viverito proudly stated that NO ONE WILL SHAME THEM FROM CONTINUING THIS GENOCIDE, that they will FIGHT FOR ANOTHER 100 YEARS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH RIGHTS...(by killing the life in your wombs??) democrat senator chuck "the schmuck" schumer chimed in to say that if the senate returns to democrat control in November, he/they will make sure that p.p. is PERMANENTLY FUNDED. (with your tax dollars)
THESE are the people who have concern, who have compassion for cats, dogs, birds, fish and trees.
they care about the environment, the air, the oceans, clean energy...they have compassion for convicted murderers, career criminals and cop killers...they even have compassion for Americas enemies, isis, al queda, radical islamists....BUT not one ounce of love and compassion for the unborn human babies that they kill a million per year...55 million so far!!!
LOOK IT, for 2 weeks now the Hillary campaign, the democrats and the media have been accusing Donald trump of abusing women...WHAT DO YOU CALL ABORTION!!! 50% OR MORE OF THOSE ABORTED BABIES ARE FEMALE...FUTURE WOMEN!!! LORD, SAVE US FROM THESE FOOLS!!!
THESE people seek political power using the bodies of dead babies...they are MONSTERS, NOT HEROES..........
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