FIRST, cbs 2 (880 am) aired audio from the old "has been" actor Robert de niro in which he called trump a boob and a stumblebum...and he said that he'd punch trump in the mouth. IF de niro is a republican, why is he angry at trump? he should be angry at the republican party...for the last 7.5 yrs the republican party has abdicated its responsibility, its duty to oppose the Obama policies that brought us this MESS!! hey bob, the republican party created trump!!! IF de niro is a democrat, then his threat of violence is par for the course...
SECOND, the current governor of Alaska, LISA MURKOWSKI, said that mr trump has forfeited his right to be the nominee (because of some remarks he made 11 yrs ago)...WHAT??!!
dear governor, you politicians don't get to decide who our nominee is...WE THE PEOPLE decide!!!
perhaps that is why you PUBLIC SERVANTS are in such ill favor now...after 8 yrs of Obama and you gutless republicans, WE WANT CHANGE!!!!!
FIRST, cbs 2 (880 am) aired audio from the old "has been" actor Robert de niro in which he called trump a boob and a stumblebum...and he said that he'd punch trump in the mouth. IF de niro is a republican, why is he angry at trump? he should be angry at the republican party...for the last 7.5 yrs the republican party has abdicated its responsibility, its duty to oppose the Obama policies that brought us this MESS!! hey bob, the republican party created trump!!! IF de niro is a democrat, then his threat of violence is par for the course...
SECOND, the current governor of Alaska, LISA MURKOWSKI, said that mr trump has forfeited his right to be the nominee (because of some remarks he made 11 yrs ago)...WHAT??!!
dear governor, you politicians don't get to decide who our nominee is...WE THE PEOPLE decide!!!
perhaps that is why you PUBLIC SERVANTS are in such ill favor now...after 8 yrs of Obama and you gutless republicans, WE WANT CHANGE!!!!!
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