LOOK how they squeal when they can't get their way...LOOK how vicious they become when the truth is revealed....the democrat party, Hillary's campaign and the media are indignant that FBI director comey has announced the reopening of the investigation concerning Hillary's e-mail scandal...the FBI has discovered another 650,000 e-mails on Hillary's "trusted" aid, huma abedin's laptop that she shared with her disgraced husband, former democrat congressman, Anthony weiner.
THE state department hacks have signed a letter condemning director comey for violating protocol by announcing SOOO close to election day....HEY, didn't secretary of state Clinton violate protocol when she used her private server to conduct government business??...A server that was hacked multiple times???...and the Clinton/Obama puppet, Loretta lynch, announced that comey's announcement was "unprecedented" and that he's trying to influence the election (and they're not?)
...WELL, it wasn't "unprecedented" when comey announced that he wouldn't recommend criminal charges against Hillary DESPITE the evidence....AND besides, the VOTERS deserve to know the character of 1st female candidate for president... RIGHT???
AS secretary of state, Hillary Clinton KNOWINGLY and CONSISTANTLY violated the rules and regulations in order to HIDE her activities from government oversight, in order to enrich herself and her husband by selling access to government from the highest bidder...or from ANYBODY with enough money willing to pay....ALSO, Hillary's husband is a sexual predator, who was defended by the democrat party, the media and by Hillary herself...Hillary's faithful aide huma, married a man who is addicted to sexting, who ruined his career by texting photos of his "junk" to women AND is lately sexting with a 15 yr old girl...(which by the way, is the reason the FBI confiscated his laptop that he shared with huma) THAT is really bad judgement by these two people...do they deserve to be ANYWHERE near the white house??????????????
LOOK how they squeal when they can't get their way...LOOK how vicious they become when the truth is revealed....the democrat party, Hillary's campaign and the media are indignant that FBI director comey has announced the reopening of the investigation concerning Hillary's e-mail scandal...the FBI has discovered another 650,000 e-mails on Hillary's "trusted" aid, huma abedin's laptop that she shared with her disgraced husband, former democrat congressman, Anthony weiner.
THE state department hacks have signed a letter condemning director comey for violating protocol by announcing SOOO close to election day....HEY, didn't secretary of state Clinton violate protocol when she used her private server to conduct government business??...A server that was hacked multiple times???...and the Clinton/Obama puppet, Loretta lynch, announced that comey's announcement was "unprecedented" and that he's trying to influence the election (and they're not?)
...WELL, it wasn't "unprecedented" when comey announced that he wouldn't recommend criminal charges against Hillary DESPITE the evidence....AND besides, the VOTERS deserve to know the character of 1st female candidate for president... RIGHT???
AS secretary of state, Hillary Clinton KNOWINGLY and CONSISTANTLY violated the rules and regulations in order to HIDE her activities from government oversight, in order to enrich herself and her husband by selling access to government from the highest bidder...or from ANYBODY with enough money willing to pay....ALSO, Hillary's husband is a sexual predator, who was defended by the democrat party, the media and by Hillary herself...Hillary's faithful aide huma, married a man who is addicted to sexting, who ruined his career by texting photos of his "junk" to women AND is lately sexting with a 15 yr old girl...(which by the way, is the reason the FBI confiscated his laptop that he shared with huma) THAT is really bad judgement by these two people...do they deserve to be ANYWHERE near the white house??????????????
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