N.Y. GOVERNOR CUOMO (democrat) was in a black church sunday, blaming the violence on republicans..."REV" CUOMO quoted HOSEA 8:7; "FOR THEY SHALL SOW THE WIND AND SHALL REAP THE WIRLWIND...."
YES, the democrat party has sown barak Obama for 8 yrs and now they've reaped DONALD J TRUMP for at least 4 yrs....
WHY do white democrat politicians go to black churches to SOW their seeds of hatred and division?
BECAUSE black folks are told and see themselves as victims of the white society (by a white member of the party of slavery)...SO, these mind numbed robots go out and protest, raise hell on the strength of lies and half truths...in 2012, democrat v.p. biden said that Romney (republican) was going to put black folks back in chains....dem politicians always tell blacks that reps will take away their soc sec, their welfare bene's, will kick the elderly out of their homes...
WHEN rep's stand up for the lives of the UNBORN, dems say that rep's deny women's rights...when rep's support traditional marriage, dems say that rep's are homophobic...when rep's support law and order, dems say rep's are violating the civil rights of black thugs and career criminals...when rep's cut taxes for EVERYONE, dems say republicans want tax cuts for the rich...when rep's want to secure the border, end illegal immigration, dems create SANCTUARY cities in defiance of federal and local law enforcement agencies...refuse to deport them, forcing the tax paying citizens to feed, house, clothe, educate and provide health care for them....when rep's defend the nation from foreign threats, dems have sympathy for the enemy...i.e., granting constitutional protections to TERRORISTS!!!
THE democrats and their loyal media outlets have called TRUMP a liar and a tax cheat, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a racist...have compared him to hitler, accused him of sexually assaulting a dozen women....IN addition to the "true believers" the democrat party has HIRED, IS PAYING people to protest and raise hell..............
N.Y. GOVERNOR CUOMO (democrat) was in a black church sunday, blaming the violence on republicans..."REV" CUOMO quoted HOSEA 8:7; "FOR THEY SHALL SOW THE WIND AND SHALL REAP THE WIRLWIND...."
YES, the democrat party has sown barak Obama for 8 yrs and now they've reaped DONALD J TRUMP for at least 4 yrs....
WHY do white democrat politicians go to black churches to SOW their seeds of hatred and division?
BECAUSE black folks are told and see themselves as victims of the white society (by a white member of the party of slavery)...SO, these mind numbed robots go out and protest, raise hell on the strength of lies and half truths...in 2012, democrat v.p. biden said that Romney (republican) was going to put black folks back in chains....dem politicians always tell blacks that reps will take away their soc sec, their welfare bene's, will kick the elderly out of their homes...
WHEN rep's stand up for the lives of the UNBORN, dems say that rep's deny women's rights...when rep's support traditional marriage, dems say that rep's are homophobic...when rep's support law and order, dems say rep's are violating the civil rights of black thugs and career criminals...when rep's cut taxes for EVERYONE, dems say republicans want tax cuts for the rich...when rep's want to secure the border, end illegal immigration, dems create SANCTUARY cities in defiance of federal and local law enforcement agencies...refuse to deport them, forcing the tax paying citizens to feed, house, clothe, educate and provide health care for them....when rep's defend the nation from foreign threats, dems have sympathy for the enemy...i.e., granting constitutional protections to TERRORISTS!!!
THE democrats and their loyal media outlets have called TRUMP a liar and a tax cheat, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a racist...have compared him to hitler, accused him of sexually assaulting a dozen women....IN addition to the "true believers" the democrat party has HIRED, IS PAYING people to protest and raise hell..............
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